Mineral baths
Healing mineral water of Dudince belongs to the most precious ones throughout the world.Its high mineralisation and unique combination of carbon dioxide and hydrogen sulphide enable treatment of various diseases at once. First of all it treats diseases of a loco-motor system, neurologic diseases and diseases of cardio-vascular system as well as diseases of career stress. Healing effects of the mineral water are also used as prevention against the mentioned diseases.
Pool or tub bath is the basic procedure of the spa stay. Maximum mineral water healing effect is achieved by sitting or lying calmly in water without any useless whirling of water and movements.
We offer two variants of basic mineral water treatment to clients of our Spa – bath in a pool or in a tub with a dry pack. Whether in a pool or in tub, the bath lasts 20 minutes and it is followed by a dry pack and rest (10 minutes). Relax in the unique mineral water of Dudince full of soft bubbles and let yourself enchanted by tones of relaxation music. Bath has healing effects, as well as the cosmetic ones – your skin will congest and it will be velvety smooth thanks to mineral substances of the water. Your mind will calm down. The treatment is based on chemical effects of carbon dioxide and hydrogen sulphide on skin, through which they are absorbed to the body. Both gasses support the effects of each other. Unique composition enables the water of Dudince to treat several diagnoses at the same time.