Contact details

Dudince Spa Resort is located in the very heart of the smallest and southernmost Slovak spa town of Dudince. Its position is why it has the highest number of sunny days in the year.

The highest number of sunny days a year
Ecologically clean and quiet environment
Unique healing mineral water

About the spa, in short


It is said that the ancient Romans knew about Dudince mineral water. The most famous legend about the fairy Dudinka, who saved the life of a Roman commander’s son using water from the spring, and the greatest rarity in Dudince – 32 pools carved into the local travertine stone, the so-called Roman baths – are traditionally associated with the Roman Empire. However, more sober reflections indicate that the travertine pools are much younger and were created by our great-grandfathers sometime around the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries, when the local mineral water began to be used to a greater extent.

The oldest preserved references to the Dudince springs date from 1549 in a work by Juraj Wernher entitled “Správa o podivuhodných vodách Uhorska” (Report on the Amazing Waters of Hungary) and from 1742 in Matej Bel’s work “Historické a zemepisné poznatky o severnom Uhorsku” (Historical and Geographical Knowledge of Northern Hungary). In the Middle Ages, our water was used to treat rheumatism, eye inflammation, skin diseases and disorders of the digestive tract. Specialists from Vienna came to Dudince around 1890, their task being to survey the springs, which were officially recognised as medicinal from 1894 based on their results.

This underground treasure of Dudince was initially used primarily for drinking treatments – it was even exported to America and Egypt in bottles in the early 20th century! At around this time, the advertising slogan “Dudinská liečivá voda, kráľovná minerálnych stolových vôd” (Dudince healing water, the queen of mineral table waters) appeared and the first mineral pools were opened – one was created by the owner of the springs Hugo Oberndorff for his family, the second by Filip Gutmann, from whom the pool and springs were leased by Kálmán Brázzay from Budapest.

The transformation of Dudince Spa Resort over time:

  • 1951: the first spa house is opened in Dudince
  • 1953: Czechoslovak state spa
  • 1966: Rubín Spa House is opened
  • 1970: Krištáľ Spa House is opened (today Krištáľ Balneotherapy)
  • 1978: Smaragd Spa House is opened
  • 1991: Slovak Medical Spa (together with Sklené Teplice) 
  • 1996: HONTHERMAE, a. s.
  • 2003: Kúpele Dudince, a. s.
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Spa Dudince

Our contacts

Rubín & Smaragd Spa houses 
Minerál Spa hotel 

Reception (0:00 - 24:00)
Reception Rubín: +421 45 550 4920
Reception Smaragd: +421 45 550 4950
Reception Minerál: +421 45 550 6001


GPS coordinates: 48.166721, 18.880505


Booking & Info
(working days 7:00 - 15:30)

Tel: +421 45 550 4444+421 45 550 3333
Fax: +421 45 550 48 40

Having problems calling us? 
Write to us using the contact form on this page (below) or leave us your telephone number and we will be happy to call you back.



Spa resort Dudince - Kúpele Dudince, a. s.
Rubin & Smaragd Spa houses
Kúpeľná 106, 962 71 Dudince

Spa resort Dudince - Kúpele Dudince, a. s.
Minerál Spa hotel
Okružná 124, 962 71 Dudince




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How to get to us

Nearest airports: Budapest (100 km), Bratislava (170 km), Vienna (220 km). We provide airport transfers directly to the spa for our guests. We will be happy to send you the transfer pricelist by email.

If you choose the public bus or train service to get to Dudince, we will be happy to take you from the station (bus stop) directly to the spa house. You will need to request this service at least one day in advance at the reception of the relevant spa house (at any time, even in the evening).


Are you planning to come to the spa by car?
You have several parking options available:

  • free parking: 15 minutes for client arrival and departure directly in the area in front of the spa houses, or at the monitored car park around 150 m from the spa houses
  • paid parking: directly in the area in front of the spa houses for long-stay spa guests
Parking in front of Rubín Spa House and Smaragd Spa House
for accommodated guests
120 minutes free
1 - 12 nights EUR 5/day
13 nights and more EUR 3/day
  • free parking for guests accommodated at Minerál Spa Hotel – directly in front of the hotel

To optimise physician visits and the treatment regimen, we recommend starting your treatment stay on a weekday morning or Sunday early afternoon. 

Map - Spa Dudince

Ask us a question

Do you need more information? Contact us by e-mail, please. We are ready to answer your questions.